Before Surgery
At this time you have met with your Plastic Surgeon and together come up with a reconstruction option that is best suited to you!
Now for surgery. Here’s what to expect in the weeks and days leading up to your operation.
The weeks before surgery
There are a few things you can do to optimize your health in the few weeks leading up to surgery.
If you smoke, this is certainly a good time to quit, as healing is known to be significantly impaired by nicotine.
Additionally, if you have diabetes, it is best to optimize your blood glucose in the weeks leading up to surgery.
Your surgeon may ask you to stop certain medications before surgery, it is important to discuss this with them. In some cases, they may ask another physician to also discuss ways to optimize your health before surgery.
The days before surgery
You will be asked to stop eating and drinking at midnight on the day before your surgery. This includes no water or coffee!
The night before or the morning of, you will likely want to take a shower because it may be a few days until you can have a proper shower again.
Typically, you will receive a call from the hospital in the few days before surgery, asking you a few screening questions and making sure you know where to go on the day of surgery.
The day of surgery
You will come to the hospital in the morning and check in at an admitting desk. They will direct you to where you need to go to be admitted for surgery.
After you have been checked in and changed into a gown, you will be brought to a pre-surgical area. The surgeon will likely meet you there and make some “markings” (drawings) on your skin for the surgery. These are usually done with you awake in an upright position prior to surgery in order to give the surgeon the best landmarks for the operation.
You will also meet your anesthesiologist prior to the surgery. They may have more questions about your health, including the last time you ate. They may place an IV in your vein if you did not already get one from the nurses when you were getting ready.
On the day of your surgery, you will be meeting many friendly faces!
Check-in at admitting → you will have your vital signs taken, and change into a gown.
Pre-op area → The ‘holding’ area is where you will go just before surgery.
Meet the surgeon for marking and last questions → The surgeon will mark/draw lines on you that are helpful landmarks during the surgery.
Meet the anesthetist → This very important person will be responsible for your anesthetic and will answer any questions you have
Meet nurses → There are often many nurses who will guide you and take care of you throughout you surgical day!
Go to operating room → From the holding area, you will go to the operating room.
Wake up in PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) → A special area beside the OR with dedicated nurses to assist you as you wake up from anesthetic. Although the surgery may be several hours, you will feel as though you just went to sleep
Transferred to a unit or day surgery area to recover! This is usually when friends/family can meet or contact you.